The “Curious Kids Kindergarten” can be run by an Individual, Trust, Society or a Company.

No prior experience is required, as our training and support programmes will provide you with all that you need to run your school.

Absolutely possible. If you are interested in converting an operating school into “Curious Minds Kindergarten” School, simply fill up the Questionnaire to get started.

No, we don’t provide funding from our side, but the franchisee is free to approach any financial institution and get funding as required.

The initial investment amounts are decided after studying the potential of the area, the number of students the school is targeting and the fee structure that can be expected. Hence based on this the Franchisee fee has been categorized as Tier I, Tier II and Tier III places as Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Absolutely not, we have transparent policies and there is no hidden cost.

The Franchise fee is non-refundable and consists of 2 parts – an initial license fee and an ongoing royalty (which is a percentage of your revenue).

The license fee is to be paid at the time of signing of agreement.

Royalty is to be paid on revenue and is to be paid to Sanro Educare Pvt. Ltd., half yearly.

The franchise agreement is valid for 5 years.

Curious Kids Kindergarten can be situated at any good location where students can have easy access to. Also check for visibility and competition etc.

It requires 44 days from the day of enquiry to open the Curious Kids Kindergarten.

Maria Montessori said “Play is the work of the child”. We believe that play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. So with this principle in mind we have designed a curriculum which focusses on both learning and developmental milestones of the child.

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